Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Exclusive Advance Signup Code

Today is the last day to redeem those exclusive advance signup codes. Since Kyle never emailed me about the that website backup data (which is such a shame since I really wanted it), I'll be giving it away later today, probably around 8 PM PDT, so check back then!

I also might have a scond code to give away should I hear back from another player who also has an extra code.

edit: there will be atleast 3 codes posted. first come first serve! good luck~

edit2: a 4th has been donated!

ok, have at them. let your brigademates know about them if you already redeemed one in the past.



  1. I used the last one and it worked, got cloud and zidane. Thanks for this iv been searching for codes since I started playing and found the link through my brigade member.

    Thanks again tho!

  2. Hi! Thanks for the codes, the 2nd one worked for me just fine! And hi from a fellow brigade member! (*≧ω≦)ノ
