Friday, February 1, 2013

Long Live the Snow Flans!

So yesterday there was a bit of a squabble over the Snow Flans not dying in one hit. There was debate on whether the people who spawned it should be responsible for killing it, that who ever didn't kill on the first try should hit it again until it is dead, or whoever has 3 bp should take a whack at it. My opinion? Attack if you have BP to spare, don't waste it waiting for the Flan to die, especially since it could stay up for a good 10 minutes before it goes down (for my brigade anyways.) People should be grateful that we don't get stuck on espers, because that takes a larger collective effort to take don quickly

But it is funny how all the sudden these Snow Flans are suddenly living longer. It's due to people not optimizing their equips before battle. Event weapons are awesome against Deathgaze, but sucks against everything else (at the moment since no one has all SR+ weapons yet.) Even the people who don't attack need to optimize their equips if they are the heavy hitters of the brigade because they make a difference. Normally I can one shot a Snow Flan within the first round of attacks but after event launched, it barely finish it off by the 3rd round because the other 2 brigade members I used in battle had their event weapons on, which happen to be weaker than their normal stuff.

BTW event bonus does not apply to the 2 brigade members that go into battle with you. So you will want the ones will the highest overall atk/def.

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