Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Summon Stone Double Charge Campaign!

Just in case y'all don't scroll down your airship page..

You might have missed the announcement that All-Out Attacks (AOA) will get you 6 charge points instead of the usually 3! So set your timers and be sure to AOA as often as you can! That SR+ doesn't seem so impossible anymore, doesn't it?

Campaign Duration: Thu 02/21 11:00 pm PT - Mon 02/25 09:59 pm PT

Event Ends @ Mon 02/25 09:59 pm PT
CP trading Ends @ Tue 02/25 06:00 pm PT

Please don't forget to claim your summon count rewards either!

p.s. Don't leave CP in the Mog Box. The game will take it away most likely like they did after the Typhon event.

Good luck!

edit: I removed that Math because it was incorrect. I confused myself due to the time differences between the east and west coast, sorry about it!

edit 02: I want to recommend that waiting until 11pm today to use your SP. Before 10pm today it will only get 3 charge in an AOA whereas after 11pm you can get 6.

edit 03: There is a text announcement about the double summon charge for AOA on the airship & brigade pages. Seems like no one should miss it!